Donate Today!

1. Donate by Zelle

Recipient: Asian American Parent Alliance of San Diego

Our Zelle email address:

Please note your email or phone number

2. Donate by Check

Check Payable to AAPASD

Mailing Address: 4653 Carmel Mountain Rd, Ste 308-220, San Diego, CA 92130

Please note your email or phone number

3. Submit Your Donation Record

For those who donated, thanks for your generosity!
please submit your donation record here, so a 501(c)(3) Donation Receipt will be sent to you promptly.

Donation Match Program

Many companies (Qualcomm/Google/etc) can match with grant, please submit your match request through your company.

 Thank you!

AAPASD is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN 88-2564739)

 Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

How to Use Zell?

Get started by enrolling your email or U.S. mobile number through your mobile banking app or with the Zelle app.